Neil Lane

NASA Apollo 938 Historic Document Collection 4 DVD Set - C671-74

Description: The Historical Archive Sample Page NASA Apollo Document Collection on Four DVDs Be sure to check out all our NASA Space History DVDS in our Store (Links open in a new window) This collection of 938 documents represents a comprehensive collection of 1000's of pages of material describing the NASA Apollo research and many of its missions in great detail. It includes everything from flight manuals to news releases to technical documents on the various spacecraft and instruments. The collection is broken into four DVDs with documents arranged functionally into specific categories related to the Apollo program. DVD 1 contains general Apollo documents, Apollo Experience Reports and Apollo Lunar Science documents.DVD 2 contains Saturn Rocket and Unmanned Apollo Mission DocumentsDVD 3 contains Apollo Manned Mission DocumentsDVD 4 contains Apollo Application Program details, Apollo CSM documents, Apollo Guidance and Navigation documents, Lunar Module documents and Lunar Rover documents. All the documents on this four DVD Set are listed below. GENERAL APOLLO DOCUMENTS In this Decade - Mission to the Moon Shooting the Apollo Moonwalks Apollo Color Television Subsystem: Operation and Training Manual Lunar TV Camera: Statement of Work (Final Draft) Lunar Television Camera: Pre-Installation Acceptance Test Plan The Lunar Television Camera Color Television Study Final Report Project Apollo: A Feasibility Study of an Advanced Manned Spacecraft and System. Volume 9: Apollo Program Implementation Plan - GE Apollo Report - May 1961 Apollo: Configuration - June 1961 Direct flight schedule and feasibility study for Project Apollo Direct Flight Apollo Study. Volume 1: Two Man Apollo Spacecraft - October 1962 Direct flight Apollo Study Briefing- October 1962 Modified Apollo Logistics Spacecraft - December 1963 Chariots for Apollo: A History of Manned Lunar Spacecraft Apollo Mission Simulator Instructor Handbook. Volume 1: Description - July 1965 Preliminary Apollo Mission Simulator Instruction Handbook. Volume 2: Operation and Utilization - July 1965 Apollo Flight Mission Assignments - September 1965 The Apollo spacecraft. Volume 1 - A chronology The Apollo spacecraft: A chronology. Volume 2: 8 November 1962 - 30 September 1964 The Apollo spacecraft: A chronology, volume 3, 1 October 1964 - 20 January 1966 The Apollo spacecraft: A chronology volume 4, 21 January 1966 - 13 July 1974 Apollo: A Retrospective Analysis NASA Engineers and the Age of Apollo Where No Man Has Gone Before: A History of Apollo Lunar Exploration Missions Benefits from Apollo: Giant Leaps in Technology Endocrine/Metabolic Changes in Apollo Astronauts What made Apollo a success? 'Before This Decade Is Out...': Personal Reflections on the Apollo Program Apollo Expeditions to the Moon Deep space instrumentation facility capabilities, 1963 to 1970, for support of Apollo Project - spacecraft tracking and communications Enchanted rendezvous: John C. Houbolt and the genesis of the lunar-orbit rendezvous concept Interviews with the Apollo lunar surface astronauts in support of planning for EVA systems design Manned lunar program options - mission equipment, September 1967 Project Apollo Mission design for flight safety Development of a personnel dosimetry system for Apollo final report Apollo Spacecraft flight summary Projected Activities at Science Stations for J-Mission Traverse Planning Contributions of MSC Personnel to the Manned Lunar Exploration Symposium (1964) Lunar TV Reliability Evaluation Plan Apollo/Skylab ASTP and Shuttle Orbiter Major End Items Apollo Terminology1963 GO, NO-GO FOR APOLLO BASED ON ORBITAL LIFE TIME APOLLO UNIFIED S-BAND SYSTEM METEOROID ENVIRONMENT OF PROJECT APOLLO Operational Features of the Langley Lunar Landing Research Facility Apollo Program Specification, March 1, 1966 Qualification evaluation of the pitch control motor for the launch escape system of the Apollo spacecraft program Lunar landmark locations - Apollo 8, 10, 11, and 12 missions Manual Control of High-Altitude Apollo Launch Abort Go, no-go for the Apollo spacecraft - An analytical solution Project Apollo: The Tough Decisions Procedures for management control of computer programming in Apollo A full-size pilot-controlled docking simulation of the Apollo command and service module with the lunar module Acceptable crew work/rest cycles for the lunar touchdown day on Apollo missions The origin of light flashes observed by Apollo astronauts Apollo spacecraft control systems Where no flag has gone before: Political and technical aspects of placing a flag on the Moon Site accessibility analysis for advanced lunar missions Vol I - Summary. Final report Apollo Ships Instrumentation Radar Program Final report, Aug. 1964 - Oct. 1965 Human Factors and Environmental Control/Life Support Systems Study Program- Lunar Exploration Systems for Apollo Midterm Status Report Apollo command system-ground network data flow Biomedical results of Apollo Coverage by the Manned Space Flight Network between the near-earth and deep-space phases of the Apollo lunar mission Project Apollo. Volume 2: Data book (1961) Apollo program flight summary report: Apollo missions AS-201 through Apollo 16, revision 11 To Create Space on Earth: The Space Environment Simulation Laboratory and Project Apollo The impact of free return missions on the Apollo system An integrated NASA tracking network for Apollo (1962) Particles and Fields Subsatellite Program Expected communication performance of the Apollo subsatellite Apollo: A Pioneering Generation The Apollo Standard Initiator Apollo system specification (1963) The Apollo Program: Was it Worth It? Summary of Apollo-Saturn space vehicle telemetry systems and telemetry support from stations located in the MILA/Cape area for Apollo The Apollo program and the Balance Between Public and Private Enterprise Manned lunar landing. Operations analysis and mode comparison(1962) Proceedings of the Apollo Lunar Landing Mission Symposium(1966) Apollo System Specification Jan 1963 Apollo wind tunnel program report Deorbit and entry crew training simulations for near-earth orbital missions Manned lunar-landing through use of lunar-orbit rendezvous, volume 1 by John C. Houbolt (1961) A compilation of recent research related to the Apollo mission (1963) Lunar Orbital Technique for Performing the Lunar Mission (1962) Apollo Design Review Board (1963) Apollo Flight Mission Assignments, 9 April 1963 Direct flight study using Saturn C-5 for Apollo project. Volume 1: Summar (1963) Manned Lunar Program Options - Mission Equipment (1967} Apollo part task trainer Apollo Flight Mission Assignments, 23 March 1964 Preliminary Apollo Flight Mission Assignments THE EFFECTS OF WIND FORCES ON A THRUSTING LAUNCH VEHICLE AND LAUNCH ESCAPE SYSTEM FOR APOLLO MODE 1 ABORTS Flight crew performance specification /preliminary/ for the lunar excursion module lunar landing mission(1963) Aerodynamic loads on deployed canard surfaces and rocket nose section of the Apollo launch escape vehicle Aerodynamic characteristics determined during development of the Apollo launch escape vehicle configuration Dynamic simulation of lunar module docking with Apollo command module in lunar orbit Apollo Logistics Requirements Plan (Nov. 1965) Ground Tracking of the Apollo (1965) Apollo Spacecraft Liquid Primary Propulsion Systems Apollo Space Suits Apollo operations handbook: Extravehicular mobility unit. Volume 1: Apollo 15-17 - March 1971 Apollo operations handbook: Extravehicular mobility unit. Volume 2: Apollo 15-17 - March 1971 BIOENERGETICS OF SPACE SUITS FOR LUNAR EXPLORATION APOLLO/SKYLAB SUIT PROGRAM-MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS STUDY, VOLUME 1 APOLLO SPACE SUIT INTERFACE SPECIFICATION Performance Characteristics of the Apollo Astronaut Backpack Antenna The Effects of Lunar Dust on EVA Systems During the Apollo Missions Headset assemblies Final report Space Suit Communication Antenna System Final Report Development of the Apollo Portable Life Support System (1964) Apollo Experience Reports Apollo Experience Report Abort Planning Apollo Experience Report: Acceptance Checkout Equipment for the Apollo Spacecraft Apollo Experience Report: Aerothermodynamics Evaluation Apollo Experience Report: The AN/ARD-17 Direction Finding System Apollo Experience Report: The Application of a Computerized Visualization Capability to Lunar Missions Apollo Experience Report: Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package Data Processing System Apollo Experience Report: Ascent Propulsion System Apollo Experience Report: Assessment of Metabolic Expenditures; Extravehicular Activity Apollo Experience Report: Battery Subsystem Apollo Experience Report Certification Test Program Apollo Experience Report: Command and Service Module Communications Subsystem Apollo Experience Report: Command and Service Module Controls and Displays Subsystem Apollo Experience Report Command and Service Module Electrical Power Distributions System Apollo Experience Report: Command and Service Module Instrumentation Subsystem Apollo Experience Report the Command and Service Module Milestone Review Process Apollo Experience Report: Command and Service Module Environmental Control System Apollo Experience Report Command and Service Module Reaction Control System Apollo experience report: Command module crew-couch/restraint and load-attenuation systems APOLLO EXPERIENCE REPORT: COMMAND MODULE UPRIGHTING SYSTEM Apollo Experience Report: Communications System Flight Evaluation and Verification Apollo Experience Report: Communications Used During Recovery Operations Apollo experience report: Consumables budgeting Apollo experience report: Crew provisions and equipment subsystem Apollo Experience Report: Crew Station Integration. Volume 1: Crew Station Design and Development Apollo Experience Report: Crew Station Integration. Volume 2: Crew Station Displays and Controls Apollo Experience Report: Crew Station Integration. Volume 3: Spacecraft Hand Controller Development Apollo Experience Report: Crew Station Integration. Volume 4: Stowage and the Support Team Concept Apollo Experience Report: Crew Station Integration. Volume 5: Lighting Considerations Apollo Experience Report. Crew-Support Activities for Experiments Performed During Manned Space Flight Apollo Experience Report: The Cryogenic Storage System Apollo Experience Report: Data Management for Postflight Engineering Evaluation Apollo Experience Report: Descent Propulsion System Apollo Experience Report: Detection and Minimization of Ignition Hazards from Water/Glycol Contamination of Silver-Clad Electrical Circuitry Apollo Experience Report: Development of the Extravehicular Mobility Unit Apollo Experience Report: Development and Use of Specialized Radio Equipment for Apollo Recovery Operations Apollo Experience Report: Development Flight Instrumentation; Telemetry Equipment for Space Flight Test Program Apollo Experience Report: The Development of Design-Loads Criteria, Methods, and Operational Procedures for Prelaunch, Lift-off, and Midboost Conditions Apollo Experience Report: Development of Guidance Targeting Techniques for the Command Module and Launch Vehicle Apollo Experience Report The Docking System Apollo Experience Report: Earth Landing System Apollo Experience Report: Electronic Systems Test Program Accomplishments and Results Apollo Experience Report: Electrical Wiring Subsystem Apollo Experience Report: Engineering and Analysis Mission Support Apollo Experience Report Environmental Acceptance Testing Apollo Experience Report: Evolution of the Attitude Time Line Apollo Experience Report: Evolution of the Rendezvous-Maneuver Plan for the Lunar-Landing Missions Apollo Experience Report: Flight Anomaly Resolution Apollo Experience Report: Flight-Control Data Needs, Terminal Display Devices, and Ground System Configuration Requirements Apollo Experience Report: Flight instrumentation calibration Apollo Experience Report: Flight Planning for Manned Space Operations Apollo Experience Report: Food Systems Apollo Experience Report: Ground-Support Equipment Apollo Experience Report Guidance and Control Systems Apollo Experience Report: Guidance and Control Systems - Digital Autopilot Design Development APOLLO EXPERIENCE REPORT: GUIDANCE AND CONTROL SYSTEMS: AUTOMATED CONTROL SYSTEM FOR UNMANNED MISSION AS-201 Apollo Experience Report: Guidance and Control Systems. Engineering Simulation Program Apollo Experience Report: Guidance and Control systems. Mission Control Programmer for Unmanned Missions AS-202, Apollo 4, and Apollo 6 Apollo Experience Report Guidance and Control Systems: Primary Guidance, Navigation, and Control System Development Apollo Experience Report: Guidance and Control Systems: Command and Service Module Entry Monitor Subsystem Apollo Experience Report: Guidance and Control Systems: CSM Service Propulsion System Gimbal Actuators Apollo Experience Report Guidance and Control Systems: Lunar Module Abort Guidance System Apollo Experience Report: Guidance and Control Systems; Lunar Module Mission Programer APOLLO EXPERIENCE REPORT: GUIDANCE AND CONTROL SYSTEMS. LUNAR MODULE STABILIZATION AND CONTROL SYSTEM Apollo Experience Report. Guidance and Control Systems: Orbital Rate Drive Electronics for the Apollo Command Module and Lunar Module Apollo Experience Report - Launch Escape Propulsion Subsystem Apollo Experience Report: Lunar Module Communications System Apollo Experience Report: Lunar Module Display and Control Subsystem Apollo Experience Report: Lunar Module Electrical Power Subsystem Apollo Experience Report: Lunar Module Environmental Control Subsystem Apollo Experience Report: Lunar Module Instrumentation Subsystem Apollo Experience Report: Lunar Module Landing Gear Subsystem Apollo Experience Report: Lunar Module Landing Radar and Rendezvous Radar Apollo Experience Report: Lunar Module Reaction Controls System Apollo Experience Report: Lunar Module Structural Subsystem Apollo experiment report: Lunar-sample processing in the lunar receiving laboratory high-vacuum complex Apollo Experience Report: Manned Thermal-Vacuum Testing of Spacecraft Apollo Experience Report: Mission Planning for Apollo Entry Apollo experience report: Mission evaluation team postflight documentation Apollo experience report: Mission planning for lunar module descent and ascent Apollo Experience Report: Onboard Navigational and Alignment Software Apollo Experience Report: Photographic Equipment and Operations During Manned Space-Flight Programs Apollo Experience Report: Postflight Testing of Command Modules Apollo Experience Report: Potable Water System Apollo Experience Report: Power Generation System Apollo Experience Report: Pressure Vessels Apollo Experience Report: Processing of Lunar Samples in a Sterile Nitrogen Atmosphere Apollo Experience Report: The Problem of Stress-Corrosion Cracking Apollo Experience Report: Problem Reporting and Corrective Action System Apollo Experience Report: Protection Against Radiation Apollo Experience Report: Protection of Life and Health Apollo Experience Report: Real-Time Auxiliary Computing Facility Development Apollo Experience Report: Real-Time Display System Apollo Experience Report Reliability and Quality Assurance Apollo Experience Report: The role of Flight Mission Rules in Mission Preparation and Conduct Apollo Experience Report: S-band System Signal Design and Analysis Apollo Experience Report: Safety Activities Apollo Experience Report: Service Propulsion Subsystem Apollo Experience Report: Simulation of Manned Space Rlight for Crew Training APOLLO EXPERIENCE REPORT: SPACECRAFT HEATING ENVIRONMENT AND THERMAL PROTECTION FOR LAUNCH THROUGH THE ATMOSPHERE OF THE EARTH Apollo Experience Report: Spacecraft Relative Motion and Recontact Analyses Apollo Experience Report Spacecraft Pyrotechnic Systems Apollo Experience Report: Spacecraft Structural Windows Apollo Experience Report Spacecraft Structure Subsystem Apollo Experience Report: Structural Loads Due to Maneuvers of the Command and Service Module/Lunar Module Apollo Experience Report: Systems and Flight Procedures Development Apollo Experience Report: Television System Apollo Experience Report: Test and Checkout Apollo Experience Report: Thermal Design of Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package Apollo Experience Report: Thermal Protection from Engine-Plume Environments Apollo Experience Report: Thermal Protection Subsystem Apollo Experience Report: A Use of Network Simulation Techniques in the Design of the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package Support System Apollo Experience Report: Very High Frequency Ranging System Apollo Experience Report: Voice Communications Techniques and Performance Apollo Experience Reports: Window Contamination Apollo Lunar Science ALSEP Termination Report Apollo Over the Moon: A View from Orbit Apollo Lunar Surface Drill /ALSD/ Final report Apollo Lunar Science Program Report of Planning Teams, Part 1: Summary 1965 Catalog of Apollo Experiment Operations Geologic characteristics of the nine lunar landing mission sites recommended by the group for lunar exploration planning Lunar Scientific Operations, 1965 Study of the detail content of Apollo orbital photography A reconsideration of Copernicus as an Apollo candidate site Lunar Rock Coring Device Design Study Final Report A Lunar Exploration Program LUNAR ORBITER PHOTOGRAPHIC DATA ANALYSIS FOR APOLLO LANDING HAZARD APPRAISAL STUDY OF QUANTITATIVE METHODS FOR LEM LANDING-SITE SELECTION FINAL REPORT APOLLO LUNAR SCIENCE PROGRAM, REPORT OF PLANNING TEAMS. PART II - APPENDIX FINAL REPORT DESIGN STUDY FOR LUNAR EXPLORATION HAND TOOLS Projected activities at science stations for J-mission traverse planning Apollo Program Soil Mechanics Experiment; Interaction of the Lunar Module with the Lunar Surface Overhead time required at science stops on a lunar surface traverse Apollo experiment report: Lunar-sample processing in the lunar receiving laboratory high-vacuum complex Lunar Soils Grain Size Catalog Modifications to the Apollo lunar surface drill Apollo soil mechanics experiment S-200 Expected communication performance of the Apollo subsatellite Interaction between the LEM descent engine exhaust gas and the lunar surface material Initial lunar scientific studies by Apollo astronauts (1964) Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package /ALSEP/ flight system familiarization manual, revision B The Apollo lunar surface experiment package suprathermal ion detector experiment ALSEP Environmental Specification. Revision: Lunar Dust An analysis of navigation performance for the subsatellite experiment Minutes of the 12-14 August meeting of an ad hoc working group on the science objectives of Apollo missions 12-20 Lunar landing and site selection study Apollo Lunar Surface Drill (ALSD)-qualification test report (mechanical) (qualification test unit S/N 0000001) A Primer in Lunar Geology Geologic maps of early Apollo landing sites of set C Lunar science prior to Apollo 11 ALSEP/SIDE/CCGE /APOLLO LUNAR SURFACE Experiments Package/Suprathermal Ion Detector Experiment/Cold Cathode Gauge Experiment/, volume 1 Final engineering report The Mighty Saturns General Saturn Documents Saturn Illustrarted Chronology, April 1957 - August 1963 Saturn Illustrated Chronology. Saturn's First Eight Years, April 1957 - April 1965 Saturn Illustrated Chronology. Saturn's First Ten Years, April 1957 - April 1967 Saturn Illustrated Chronology: Saturn's First Eleven Years, April 1957 - April 1968 Apollo Systems Description. Volume 2 - Saturn Launch Vehicles February 1964 Launch Vehicle Handbook - August 1961 Survey of Saturn/Apollo checkout automation, spring 1965 - Detailed description Astrionics system handbook - Saturn launch vehicle Stages to Saturn Apollo launch-vehicle man-rating: Some considerations and an alternative contingency plan S-IVB/J-2 Engine Restart Apollo launch vehicle design Utilization of Saturn/Apollo control and checkout system for prelaunch checkout and launch operations Saturn I Saturn The Apollo 'A'/Saturn C-1 Launch Vehicle System - July 1961 Vibration and Acoustic Analysis Saturn SA-10 Flight Saturn I Summary Automation in Saturn 1 First Stage Checkout Investigation of S-IV All Systems Vehicle Explosion Pictorial progress of saturn launch vehicle - transportation, launching, test facilities Telemetry system for saturn s-i stage development Saturn technical information handbook, volume 2 Saturn I Block II Guidance Summary Report Preliminary Saturn launch vehicle interface requirements specification An aerodynamic analysis of saturn 1 block 1 flight test vehicles Saturn IB Saturn 1B/Centaur Propulsion Systems Compatibility Study Apollo Command Module Access Arms, Saturn IB, Launch Complexes 34 and 37 Engineering Report Orbital Payload Potential: Saturn 1B Earth Launch Vehicle Using Solid Propellant Motors LC-34 and LC-37 deactivation SATURN STAGE S-I-8 FINAL STATIC TEST REPORT SATURN S-IB STAGE FINAL STATIC TEST REPORTSTAGE S-IB-4 SATURN S-IB STAGE FINAL STATIC TEST REPORT, STAGE S-IB-2 A SUPERSONIC/HYPERSONIC AERODYNAMIC INVESTIGATION OF THE SATURN 1B/APOLLO UPPER STAGE SATURN IB/S-IVB STAGE SEPARATION CONTROLLABILITY REPORT FLIGHT DATA DISPLAY STUDIES FOR REAL TIME COMPUTER FLIGHT EVALUATION FINAL REPORT Static loads on the saturn i-apollo launch vehicle Saturn IB/V Astrionics System Saturn IB Electrical Ground Support Equipment for Launch Complex 34 SATURN IB/S-IVB STAGE SEPARATION CONTROLLABILITY REPORT Saturn V Saturn V LOR Payload Capability Commitment Saturn V Payload Capibility Saturn V Systems Familiarization SA-503 Saturn V Flight Manual Project Apollo - A Description of a Saturn C-3 and Nova Vehicle - July 1961 Direct Flight Atudy Using Saturn C-5 for Apollo Project. Volume 1: Summary State-of-the-Art Reliability Estimate of Saturn 5 Propulsion Systems Saturn 5 Launch Vehicle Digital Computer. Volume 1: General Description and Theory Apollo/Saturn 5 Facility Description. Volume 2 - Launch complex 39 Facility Description Apollo/Saturn 5 - Launch Complex 39, Mobile Launcher Service Arms, Operations and Maintenance Technical Manual Estimation of fireball from Saturn vehicles following failure on launch pad Propellant Feed Ducting and Engine Gimbal Lines for the Saturn Vehicle Range Safety System Operations During Saturn 5 Launch Countdowns Technical Study for the Use of the Saturn 5, INT-21 and Other Saturn 5 Derivatives to Determine an Optimum Fourth Stage (space tug). Volume 1: Technical Volume, Book 1 Maintenance and Support Plan for Saturn F-1, H-1, and J-2 Rocket Engines The Application of In-Flight Winds to the Design and Operation of the Saturn V/Apollo Vehicle Description of the S-IC stage structure A description of the S-IC stage propellant and propellant pressurization systems F-1 rocket engine data manual S-IC stage transporting and handling Ground Support Equipment and Launch Installations at John F. Kennedy Space Center, NASA, for the Manned Lunar Landing Program Electrical Reference Handbook, Launch Equipment Branch Electrical Support Equipment LC-39, Volume 1 STUDY OF THE STABILITY OF THE S-IC OPEN-LOOP PROPELLANT-HYDRAULIC SYSTEM SATURN S-IC - VIBRATION, SHOCK-AND ACOUSTIC TEST SATURN S-II MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING WORKING GROUP MEETING MEETING NUMBER FIVE Statement by Wernher von Braun before the Subcommittee on Manned Spaceflight A detailed study of manual backup control systems for the Saturn 5 launch vehicle Description and performance of the Saturn launch vehicle's navigation, guidance, and control system Apollo LEM adapter structural analysis Final report, Jan. 1965 - Apr. 1966 Apollo-Saturn emergency detection system description (AS-500 series vehicle) Automatic malfunction analysis by discrete network simulation Static aerodynamic characteristics of the aborted Apollo-Saturn V vehicle Saturn 5 and Spacecraft Breakup Problems Uprated Saturn 1 and Saturn 5 Configuration Difference Charts DS-2728 model specification Saturn S-4B-D stage The astrionics system of Saturn launch vehicles F-1 Engine System Study of J-2S engine impact on Saturn 5 launch operations Detail system model specification Saturn 5 S-4B-500-ST stage simulator J-2 rocket engine design information Saturn V/S-4B stage modifications for propellant control Application of analysis and models to structural dynamic problems related to the Apollo-Saturn 5 launch vehicle C-5 Launch Facilities Apollo Saturn 5 flight safety plan vehicle AS-504 Launch Complex 39 Vehicle Assembly Building /VAB/ Fact Sheet Moonport: A History of ApolloLaunch Facilities and Operations Launch pad to the moon: Construction bidding cost of Launch Complex 39, part 1 A study of LC-39 cryogenic systems. Part 1: A study of the vacuum insulated transfer lines at Kennedy Space Center. Part 2: Cooldown pressure surges Saturn V Electrical Ground Support Equipment for Launch Complex 39 Apollo/Saturn Launch Complex 39 Operations and Maintenance. Vehicle Assembly Building Elevator Systems, High-Bay Elevators Numbers 1-16, Volume 1 Apollo/Saturn Launch Complex 39 Operations and Maintenance. Volume 2: Vehicle Assembly Building. Elevator Systems: High-bay Elevator no. 17 Apollo/Saturn Launch Complex 39 Operations and Maintenance. Volume 3: Vehicle Assembly Building Elevator Systems, Low-Bay Elevators Numbers 18-21 NOVA An all-solid-propellant Nova injection vehicle system for the direct-ascent Man-on-Moon Project Some interrelationships and long range implications of C-3 lunar rendezvous and solid Nova vehicle concepts SOLID-BOOSTED NOVA VEHICLE STUDY. VOLUME III - CURRENT-TECHNOLOGY VEHICLE FINAL REPORT Evaluation of the JPL Proposal for a Large Four Stage Solid Rocket Nova Vehilce for a Manned Lunar Landing, Vol. 2 Apollo Unmanned Missions Preflight report command module boilerplate number 6A airplane drop, parachute test Boilerplate Number 9, Spacecraft Dynamics Simulation Ground Test Specification, Project Apollo Spacecraft Project Apollo End Item Specification, Boilerplate Number 26 Apollo Little Joe and Pad Abort Launch vehicle flight report - Nasa project Apollo Little Joe 2 qualification test vehicle 12-50-1 - September 1963 Program Apollo Flight Mission Directive Apollo Little Joe II Mission A-003, BP-22 Little Joe II-Algol Propulsion System Technical Interface Control Document LITTLE JOE II MOTOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FINAL REPORT Solid Rocket Plant Little Joe II Program Postlaunch Report for Apollo Mission A-001 Monthly Progress Report Little Joe II Test Launch Vehicle 10 Dec 64 Facilities Plan - NASA Project Apollo Test Launch Vehicle, Little Joe 2 Preliminary Little Joe 2 launch vehicle interface specification Vehicle test plan Apollo mission a-004 spacecraft 002 NASA Support Manual - Apollo Description Manual Applicable to Boilerplate 6 Only SA-01 SA 01 Flight Evaluation Propellant sloshing problems of Saturn test flight SA-1 Test result part 1 of the firing test report Saturn vehicle SA-1 Error Analysis of Propulsion System for Saturn I - SA-1 Booster SA-02 SA-02 Flight Evaluation Aerodynamic evaluation of SA-2 flight Instrumentation operations analysis. Part 2B: Saturn vehicle SA-2 Technical Information Summary Concerning Saturn Vehicle SA-2 SA-03 Results of Saturn I SA-3 Launch SA 03 Flight Evaluation Report Vol 1 SA 03 Flight Evaluation Report Vol 2 Results of the Third Saturn I SA 3 Launch Results of the Third Saturn 1 Launch Vehicle Test Flight Space Vehicle SA-3, Telemetry System SA-04 Saturn SA-4 postflight trajectory SA-05 Boilerplate No. 13, Spacecraft Saturn Research and Development Test SA-5 Specification SATURN ANTENNA SYSTEMS SA-5, VOLUME 1 SATURN ANTENNA SYSTEMS, SA-5, VOLUME 3 Thermal Design and Thermal Data Analysis of SA-5 Payload Rigid body control study for SA-5 SA-06 SA 06 Launch Results Postlaunch Report for Apollo Mission A-101 - June 1964 Saturn SA-6 postflight trajectory Space vehicle SA-6 telemetry system SA-07 Results of Saturn I SA-7 Launch Saturn SA-7/BP-15 postflight trajectory Postlaunch report for Apollo mission A-102 Apollo spacecraft BP-15. A chronology of technical progress at Kennedy Space Center SA-08 SA 08 Launch Results Saturn SA-8/Pegasus B postflight trajectory Manned space flight network performance analysis for the SA-8 mission SA-8 Flight Test Data Report Saturn I Launch Vehicle SA-8 and Launch Complex 37B functional Systems Description. Volume I- RP-1 Fuel System Functional Description, Index of Finding Numbers, and Mechanical Schematics Saturn I Launch Vehicle SA-8 and Launch Complex 37B functional Systems Description. Volume II- RP-1 LOX System Functional Description, Index of Finding Numbers, and Mechanical Schematics Saturn I Launch Vehicle SA-8 and Launch Complex 37B Functional Systems Description. Volume III- LH2 Fuel System Functional Description, Index of Finding Numbers, and Mechanical Schematics Saturn I Launch Vehicle SA-8 and Launch Complex 37B Functional Systems Description. Volume IV- Nitrogen and Helium Storage Facility Functional Description, Index of Finding Numbers, and Mechanical Schematics Saturn I Launch Vehicle SA-8 and Launch Complex 37B Functional Systems Description. Volume VII- Launch Pad Accessories - Functional Description, Index of Finding Numbers, and Mechanical Schematics Saturn I Launch Vehicle SA-8 and Launch Complex 37B Functional Systems Description. Volume X-Separation and Flight Termination Systems Functional Description, Index of Finding Numbers, and Mechanical Schematics SA-9, 8, and 10 Dispersion Analysis SA-09 SA 09 Launch Results SA-9/Apollo Firing Test Report SA-9 Vehicle and Launch Complex, Functional Description.Launch Pad Accessories, Volume VII SA-9 Launch Vehicle Measuring Systems and Associated Checkout GSE Description SA-10 SA 10 Launch Results Saturn SA-10/Pegasus C postflight trajectory SA-10 flight mechanical summary technical memorandum Range safety data for Saturn SA-10 Vibration and acoustic analyses, Saturn SA-10 flight Saturn I Launch Vehicle SA-10 and Launch Complex 37B Functional Systems Description. Volume I- RP-1 Fuel System Functional Description, Index of Finding Numbers, and Mechanical Schematics Saturn I Launch Vehicle SA-10 and Launch Complex 37B Functional Systems Description. Volume IV- Nitrogen and Helium Storage Facility Functional Description, Index of Finding Numbers, and Mechanical Schematics Saturn I launch Vehicle SA-10 and Launch Complex 37B Functional Systems Description. Volume VI- Environmental Conditioning Systems Functional Fescription, Index of Finding Numbers, and Mechanical Schematics Saturn I launch Vehicle SA-10 and Launch Complex 37B Functional Systems Description. Volume X- Separation and Flight Termination Systems Functional Fescription, Index of Finding Numbers, and Mechanical Schematics SATURN S-I-10 STATIC TEST VIBRATION AND ACOUSTIC DATA AS-201 AS 201 Launch Results Saturn AS-201/Apollo Postflight Trajectory Postlaunch Report for Mission AS-201 (Apollo spacecraft 009) Control factors for Apollo-Saturn 201 vehicle APOLLO EXPERIENCE REPORT: GUIDANCE AND CONTROL SYSTEMS: AUTOMATED CONTROL SYSTEM FOR UNMANNED MISSION AS-201 SATURN S-IB STAGE ASSEMBLY AND TEST REPORT, S-IB-1 AS-201 MISSION RELIABILITY ANALYSIS NEWSaturn S-4B-201 stage acceptance firing test plan Saturn S-IB Stage Final Static Test Report SA-201 launch vehicle RF and telemetry systems description AS-202 Apollo Spacecraft 011: Postlaunch Report for Mission AS-202 AS 202 Saturn IB Results Vol 2 Saturn S-1B Stage and Saturn 1B Program: Saturn AS-202 Postflight Trajectory AS-202 LAUNCH VEHICLE OPERATIONAL FLIGHT TRAJECTORY Entry flight aerodynamics from Apollo mission AS-202 AS-202 reentry guidance and navigation equations and flow logic AS-202 spacecraft 011 - Propulsion performance evaluation Apollo guidance, navigation and control: Guidance and navigation system operations plan Apollo mission 202 SATURN S-IB STAGE FINAL STATIC TEST REPORT, STAGE S-IB-2 AS-203 AS 203 Launch Results EVALUATION OF AS-203 LOW GRAVITY ORBITAL EXPERIMENT Saturn SA-203 postflight trajectory Saturn S-IVB-203 stage acceptance firing test plan Results of the third Saturn IB Launch Vehicle Test Flight AS 203 Aeroelaxtic Characteristics of the Saturn IB SA-203 Launch Vehicle Control System Information for SA-203 Apollo 4 Apollo 4 Mission Report Apollo 4 mission report. Supplement 7: Command-module/service-module separation disturbances Apollo 4 Technical Information Summary Apollo 4 Saturn V Report J-2 engine performance analysis flight AS-501 /Apollo 4/ S-2 and S-4B stages Investigation of SA-501 S-4B auxiliary propulsion system anomalies ENTRY AERODYNAMICS AT LUNAR RETURN CONDITIONS OBTAINED FROM THE FLIGHT OF APOLLO 4 (AS-501) Launch vehicle error analysis for Apollo/Saturn 501 Predicted launch abort and landing point data computed during Apollo 4 Apollo 5 Apollo 5 mission report Apollo 5 Mission Report. Supplement 2: Apollo Mission 5/AS-204/LM-1 Trajectory Reconstruction and Postflight Analysis, Volume 1 APOLLO 5 MISSION - FINAL FLIGHT EVALUATION REPORT Functional requirements and timeline constraints for cabin atmosphere evaluation, Apollo Saturn 5 Apollo 6 Apollo 6 Mission Report Apollo 6 Saturn V Report Apollo/Saturn 5 Postflight Trajectory: AS-502 Apollo 6 (A-2 or AS-502/020) operational Mode 1 Launch escape vehicle abort plan APOLLO 6 ENTRY POSTFLIGHT ANALYSIS APOLLO 6 MISSION - FINAL FLIGHT EVALUATION REPORT Cloud Comparisons Netween Apollo 6 Photography and ATS 3 and ESSA 3 Photography AS-502 Entry Accuracy Apollo Manned Missions Apollo 1 Report of Apollo 204 review board Report of Apollo 204 review board to the administrator. Appendix A: Board minutes Report of Apollo 204 review board, appendix B Report of Apollo 204 review board, appendix C section 1 Report of Apollo 204 review board, appendix C, section 2 Report of Apollo 204 review board, appendix D. Panels 1 thru 4 Report of Apollo 204 review board, appendix D panel 5 Report of Apollo 204 review board, appendix D. Panels 6 thru 10 Report of Apollo 204 review board, appendix D, panel 11 Report of Apollo 204 review board, appendix D. Panels 12 thru 17 Report of Apollo 204 review board, appendix D. Panels 18 Report of Apollo 204 review board, appendix D. Panels 19 thru 21 Report of Apollo 204 review board, appendix E Report of Apollo 204 review board. Appendix F: Schedule of physical evidence Report of Apollo 204 review board, appendix G, part 1 Apollo operations handbook. Command and service module (spacecraft 012) - Apollo 1 - November 1966 Soviet Press Release on Apollo 1 Flight crew launch abort mode selection charts for mission AS-204A Apollo 7 Apollo 7 Mission Report Apollo 7 mission report. Supplement 3: Guidance, navigation, and control system performance analysis APOLLO 7 MISSION REPORT. SUPPLEMENT 6: ENTRY POSTFLIGHT ANALYSIS Apollo 7 mission, 3 day report Apollo 7 Saturn IB Report Saturn S-4B-205 Stage (Apollo 7) Flight Evaluation Report Saturn AS-205/CSM-101 Postflight Trajectory, Part 4 Spacecraft operational abort plan for Apollo 7 (mission C). Volume 2: CSM launch aborts Rendezvous Procedures - Apollo 7, AS-205/101 Final report Apollo 7 Entry Postflight Analysis APOLLO 7 MISSION - FINAL FLIGHT EVALUATION REPORT Science screening report of the Apollo 7 mission 70-millimeter photography and NASA earth resources aircraft mission 981 photography AS-205 revised launch vehicle reference trajectory Preliminary launch abort study for Apollo Mission C/CSM-101 Excessive entry loads for abort trajectories for the nominal AS-205/101 launch profile Preliminary clinical report of the medical aspects of Apollos 7 and 8 Operational intercommunication system monitoring at KSC during Apollo 7 CDDT Apollo 7 launch phase air ground voice contact analysis Apollo 8 Apollo 8 Mission Report Apollo 8 mission report. Supplement 1: Trajectory reconstruction and postflight analysis Apollo 8 Mission Report. Supplement 2: Guidance, Navigation, and Control Service propulsion system final flight evaluation - Apollo 8 mission report, supplement 4 SA-503 Saturn V Flight Manual Apollo/Saturn 5 Space Vehicle Selected Structural Element Review Report, AS-503 Saturn 5 S-11 Final Propulsion System Performance Prediction, Flight SA-503, Volume 2 Apollo 8 Saturn V Report Apollo/Saturn 5 Postflight Trajectory: AS-503 Apollo 8 Flight Plan 1 Apollo 8 Flight Plan 2 (Lunar Orbit) Analysis of Apollo 8 photography and visual observations APOLLO 8 MISSION - FINAL FLIGHT EVALUATION REPORT Updated Emergency Detection System Analysis of Upper Stage Malfunctions for the AS-503 C Prime Mission Final Report Apollo 8 Mission: 3 Day Report Lunar landmark locations - Apollo 8, 10, 11, and 12 missions Apollo 8 moon orbital flight, news briefing Apollo 9 Apollo 9 Mission Report Apollo 9 Mission Report. Supplement 2: Guidance, Navigation, and Control System Performance Analysis Apollo 9 Mission Report. Supplement 3: LM Abort Guidance System Postflight Analysis Report Apollo 9 Mission Report: Performance of the Command and Service Module Reaction Control System, Supplement 4 Apollo 9 Mission Report - Service Propulsion System Final Flight Evaluation, Supplement 5 Apollo 9 Mission Report. Supplement 8: Descent Propulsion System Final Flight Evaluation Apollo 9 Mission Report. Supplement 11: Communications System Performance Command/service module systems handbook (CSM 104) Apollo 9 Saturn V Report SATURN 5 AS-504 LAUNCH VEHICLE REFERENCE TRAJECTORY, VOLUME 1 SATURN 5 AS-504 LAUNCH VEHICLE REFERENCE TRAJECTORY, VOLUME 2, BOOK 1 SATURN 5 AS-504 LAUNCH VEHICLE REFERENCE TRAJECTORY, VOLUME 2, BOOK 2 SATURN 5 AS-504 LAUNCH VEHICLE REFERENCE TRAJECTORY, VOLUME 2, BOOK 3 Saturn 5 AS-504 Launch Vehicle Reference Trajectory, Volume 2, Book 5 Apollo 9 Separation and Recontact Analysis Operational abort plan for the Apollo 9 mission. Volume 1: Launch phase APOLLO 9 MISSION - FINAL FLIGHT EVALUATION REPORT Apollo 9 Rhermal-Control-Coating Degradation Apollo 9: Low regulation pressure in ascent propulsion system Saturn 5 launch vehicle emergency detection system analysis, SA-504 Rendezvous procedures D mission AS-504/CSM-104/LM-3 Final report Apollo 9 mission: 5 day report Apollo 9: 30 day failure and anomaly listing report Preliminary MSFN error analysis for AS-504A Saturn 5 Launch Vehicle Guidance Equations, SA-504 Apollo 9 handheld color photography catalog Trajectory parameters for AS-504type missions. Volume 1: Earth parking orbit phase Apollo Saturn 5 space vehicle - Technical information summary Apollo-9 AS-504 Apollo 9 Multispectral Photographic Information Apollo Saturn 5 flight safety plan vehicle AS-504 Apollo 10 Apollo 10 Mission Report Apollo 10 mission report. Supplement 2: Guidance, navigation, and control systems performance analysis Apollo 10 Mission Report. Supplement 7: Descent Propulsion System Apollo 10 mission report. Supplement 11: Communication system performance Apollo 10 Recovery Flashing Beacon Failure, Anomaly Report No. 2 Apollo 10 Saturn V Report Apollo/Saturn 5 Postflight Trajectory AS 505 Analysis of Apollo 10 Photography and Visual Observations APOLLO 10 MISSION - FINAL FLIGHT EVALUATION REPORT Saturn S-4B-505N stage flight evaluation report Apollo 10 photo debriefing - Case 340 Project Apollo: Apollo 10 spacecraft dispersion analysis. Volume 4: Rendezvous dispersion analysis Launch window effects on the Apollo 10 (mission F) operational abort plans Sacramento narrative end item report, Saturn S-4B-505N Apollo 10 photography index (70-mm and 16-mm frame index) Apollo 10 AS-505 Apollo Saturn 5 space vehicle Technical information summary Apollo 11 Apollo 11 Mission Report Apollo 11 mission report - 1971 Version Apollo 11 Mission Report, Supplement 5: Performance of Lunar Module Reaction Control Systems Apollo 11 mission report, supplement 10: Communications system performance In This Decade-Mission to the Moon Apollo 11 Preliminary Science Report Apollo 11 Technical Crew Debriefing Apollo 11 Saturn V Report Apollo/Saturn 5 Postflight Trajectory: AS-506 Apollo 11 Final Lunar Surface Procedures Apollo 11 Sample Catalog EASEP Background Flight Operations Reunion for the Apollo 11 20th Anniversary of the First Manned Lunar Landing Apollo 11 photography 70-mm, 16-mm, and 35-mm index Apollo 11 photography - 70-mm, 16-mm, and 35-mm frame index Apollo 11 photography index (70mm and 16mm) Apollo mission 11, trajectory reconstruction and postflight analysis, volume 1 Westinghouse Lunar Camera Manual APOLLO 11 ENTRY POSTFLIGHT ANALYSIS LM-5 BPA factory operations test plan Apollo 12 Apollo 12 Mission Report Apollo 12 Mission Report Supplement 2: Apollo 12 guidance, navigation and control system performance analysis Apollo 12 Mission Report. Supplement 4: Ascent propulsion system final flight evaluation Apollo 12 Mission Report: Descent, propulsion system final flight evaluation (supplement 5) SA-507 Saturn V Flight Manual Service Propulsion Aystem Final Flight Evaluation: Apollo 12 Mission Report Apollo mission 12, trajectory reconstruction and postflight analysis, volume 1 Apollo 12 Preliminary Science Report Apollo 12 Technical Debriefing Apollo 12 Surface Checklist Apollo 12 Commander Cuff Checklist Apollo 12 CSM Lunar Landmark Maps Apollo 12 Sample Catalog Apollo 12 Saturn V Report Saturn 5 Flight Manual SA 507 - Apollo 12 Analysis of Apollo 12 lightning incident Saturn 5 AS-507 Launch Vehicle Operational Abort and Malfunctioned Flight Analysis Analysis of Surveyor 3 Material and Photographs Returned by Apollo 12 Apollo 12 Lunar-Sample Information Lunar Conductivity Models from the Apollo 12 Magnetometer Experiment Apollo 12 Flight Plan (Section 3, 5 & 6) Apollo 12 Launch Operations Checklist Preliminary Apollo 12 biological sciences and containment report Examination of Surveyor 3 Surface Sampler Scoop Returned by Apollo 12 Mission Physical properties of the Apollo 12 lunar finds Saturn 5 AS-507 G Mission launch vehicle operational flight trajectory /September launch month/ Apollo 12 70 mm photographic catalog Apollo 12 photography 70 mm, 16 mm, and 35 mm frame index Surveyor 3 parts and materials returned from the moon by Apollo 12 - Evaluation of lunar effects Analysis of Surveyor 3 television cable after residence on the moon Apollo Saturn 5 postflight trajectory AS-507 Apollo 13 Apollo 13 Mission Report Guidance, navigation, and control systems performance analysis: Apollo 13 mission report Apollo 13 Mission Operations Report Report of Apollo 13 Review Board Final Report Report of Apollo 13 Review Board. Baseline Data - Apollo 13 Flight Systems and Operations, Appendix A Report of Apollo 13 Review Board. Appendix B - Report of Mission Events Panel. Appendix C - Report of Manufacturing and Test Panel. Appendix D - Report of Design Panel. Appendix E - Report of Project Management Panel Report of Apollo 13 Review Board. Appendix F - Special tests and analyses. Appendix G - Board administrative procedures. Appendix H - Board releases and press statements MSC Apollo 13 Investigation Team Panel 6 related systems evaluation. Volume 2: Lunar module MSC Apollo 13 Investigation Team Panel 6 related systems evaluation. Volume 3: Command and service module Apollo 13 Saturn V Report Apollo/Saturn 5 Postflight Trajectory: AS-508 Apollo 13: Lunar Exploration Experiments and Photography Summary - February 1970 Apollo 13 Television, Westinghouse Press Release Apollo 13 LiOH canister breakthrough test Apollo 13 LM battery anomaly and lunar roving vehicle battery inference Simulation and Analysis of Panel Separation from the Apollo 13 Service Module Apollo 13 mission high-gain antenna acquisition problem - Anomaly report 2 Apollo 13 mission - Cryogenic oxygen tank 2 anomaly report Apollo 13 Tech Debrief LM-7 BPA factory test and checkout plan LM-7 BPA test and checkout requirements document Apollo 14 Apollo 14 Mission Report Apollo 14 mission report. Supplement 5: Descent propulsion system final flight evaluation Apollo 14 mission report. Supplement 8: Summary of Apollo experiments on launch phase electrical phenomena Apollo 14 mission, 5 day report Apollo 14 mission report: Apollo 14 guidance, navigation, and control systems performance analysis report Apollo 14 mission report: Ascent propulsion system final flight evaluation Apollo 14 Preliminary Science Report Apollo 14 Technical Debriefing Apollo 14 Final Lunar Surface Procedures Modular Equipment Transporter Operator's Familiarization Manual Apollo 14 Sample Catalog Apollo 14 Saturn V Report Apollo/Saturn 5 Postflight Trajectory: AS-509 Workshop on Moon in Transition: Apollo 14, KREEP, and Evolved Lunar Rocks Apollo 14 Visibility Tests: Visibility of Lunar Surface Features and Lunar Landing Near terminator photography /within 1/2 deg/ obtained on Apollo 14 Delta V performance of the Apollo LM ascent trajectory Apollo 14 launch vehicle engine-out performance capability APOLLO 14, CSM 110, SERVICE PROPULSION SYSTEM FINAL FLIGHT EVALUATION Apollo 14 microbial analyses Preparation and evaluation of Apollo 14 composite experiments Test and evaluation of Apollo 14 composite casting demonstration specimens 6, 9, and 12, phase 1 Apollo/Saturn 5 consolidated instrumentation plan for AS-509 /Apollo 14/ Apollo 14 composite casting demonstration Apollo 14 coarse fines (4-10 mm) sample location and classification Apollo 15 Apollo 15 Mission Report Apollo 15 mission report: Apollo 15 guidance, navigation, and control system performance analysis report (supplement 1) Apollo 15 mission report. Supplement 2: Service propulsion system final flight evaluation Apollo 15 mission report. Supplement 3: Ascent propulsion system final flight evaluation Apollo 15 Mission Report, Supplement 4 Descent propulsion system final flight evaluation Apollo 15 mission 5-day report Apollo 15 Preliminary Science Report Apollo 15 Technical Debriefing Apollo 15 Final Lunar Surface Procedures Apollo 15 Full Flight Plan Apollo 15 CSM Launch Checklist Apollo 15 Guidance and Control Checklist Apollo 15 CSM Systems Checklist Apollo 15 LM Activation Checklist Apollo 15 CSM Entry Checklist Apollo 15 LRV Stowage Apollo 15 LM Cue Cards Apollo 15 LM Data Cards Apollo 15 Sample Catalog part 1 Apollo 15 Sample Catalog part 2 Apollo 15 Sample Catalog part 3 Apollo 15 CM Software Apollo 15 Saturn V Report Apollo 15 MCC Operational Configuration Apollo 15 Time and Motion Study The Apollo 15 coarse fines Coincidence in Time of the Imbrium Basin Impact and Apollo 15 KREEP Volcanic Flows: The Case for Impact-Induced Melting Apollo 15 mission. Temporary loss of command module television picture Mobility Performance of the Lunar Roving Vehicle: Terrestrial Studies: Apollo 15 Results Apollo 15 Preliminary Orbital Science Results Apollo 15 systems debriefing Analysis of Apollo 15 Hadley Apennine Preliminary Exploration Traverses MSFN coverage from insertion through injection burn for Apollo 15 Apollo 15 30-day failure and anomaly listing report Apollo 15 voice transcript pertaining to the geology of the landing site Preliminary traverse planning for Apollo 15 Hadley-Apennine Status report An Apollo 15 Mare Basalt Fragment and Lunar Mare Provinces Apollo particles and fields subsatellite magnetometer experiment; with Apollo 15 subsatellite Apollo 15 LM Descent Apollo/Saturn 5 postflight trajectory AS-510 Apollo 15 Mission Main Parachute Failure Apollo 16 Apollo 16 Mission Report Apollo 16 mission Report. Supplement 1: Apollo 16 guidance, navigation, and control system performance analysis report Apollo 16 mission report. Supplement 2: Service Propulsion system final flight evaluation Apollo 16 LM-11 Descent Propulsion System Final Flight Evaluation Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report Apollo 16 Technical Debriefing Apollo 16 Sample Catalog part 1 Apollo 16 Sample Catalog part 2 Apollo 16 Sample Catalog part 3 Apollo 16 Saturn V Report Food and nutrition studies for Apollo 16 Apollo 16 LM ascent stage impact within 10 km of the landing site Apollo 16 time and motion study Documentation and environment of the Apollo 16 samples: A preliminary report Apollo 16 mission anomaly report no. 1: Oxidizer deservicing tank failure Apollo 16 mission anomaly report no. 9: Lunar roving vehicle electrical system meter anomalies Apollo 16 mission anomaly report no. 10: Rear steering inoperative Apollo 16 LM Ascent Stage Impact within 10 km of the Landing Site Sonic-boom ground pressure measurements from the launch and reentry of Apollo 16 Apollo/Saturn 5 postflight trajectory AS-511 Apollo/Saturn 5 consolidated instrumentation plan for AS-511 (Apollo 16) Apollo 16 Thirty Day Failure and Anomaly Listing Report Apollo 17 Apollo 17 mission Report. Supplement 6: Calibration results for gamma ray spectrometer sodium iodide crystal Apollo 17 mission 5-day report Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report Apollo 17 Flight Plan Apollo 17 Mission Requirements Apollo 17 LRV Booklet (Boeing) Apollo 17 Sample Catalog part 1 Apollo 17 Sample Catalog part 2 Apollo 17 Sample Catalog part 3 Apollo 17 Sample Catalog part 4 Apollo 17 Saturn V Report Ground-Controlled Television Assembly: Operation and Checkout Manual Ground-Controlled Television Assembly: Interim Final Report Workshop on Geology of the Apollo 17 Landing Site Launch azimuth considerations and SPS performance for an Apollo 17 mission to Alphonsus Surface electrical properties experiment, part 1; for measuring lunar surface electrical properties Surface electrical properties experiment, part 2; flown on Apollo 17 A Reconsideration of Copernicus as an Apollo Candidate Site Apollo 17 voice transcript pertaining to the geology of the landing site Apollo 17 mission anomaly report no. 1: Erroneous measurements transmitted by telemetry Catalog of Apollo 17 rocks. Volume 1: Stations 2 and 3 (South Massif) HNS/Teflon explosive charges for the Apollo 17 seismic experiment, LSPE Apollo Saturn 5 postflight trajectory AS-512 Apollo Application Programs Aero-Astrodynamics Considerations for the Apollo Telescope Mount Proceedings of the Experimentor's Information Meeting on the Apollo Applications Program in Bioscience A MISSION FOR SURVEYING AND MAPPING THE LUNAR SURFACE PREFEASIBILITY STUDY OF A SPACE ENVIRONMENT MONITORING SYSTEM /SEMOS/ Simulation of package transfer concepts for Saturn 1 Orbital Workshop Optical Astronomy Package Feasibility Study for Apollo Applications Program Executive Summary Report PROPOSED MANNED DYNAMIC TESTING OF SPACE STRUCTURES Engineering Study and Experiment Definition for an Apollo Applications Program Experiment on Vehicle Disturbances Due to Crew Activity Optical technology Apollo extension system. Part I - Presentation Description of an augmented LM and comparison with the AAP shelter/taxi approach Emergency earth orbital escape device study. Volume 4: Apollo applications, emergency escape system, preliminary program definition plan Development of an electrolytic silver-ion generator for water sterilization in Apollo spacecraft water systems. Apollo applications program Final report Caution and warning systems of the CM/SM and LM for AAP Modified Apollo logistics spacecraft Optical technology Apollo extension system, part I Summary report Optical technology Apollo extension system, part I. Volume 1 /2 of 2/. Section 1 - Introduction. Section 2 - Experiment development Final technical report Optical technology Apollo extension system, part I. Volume II. Section 3 - Systems integration Final technical reporrt Optical technology Apollo extension system, part I. Volume III. Section 4 - Technology development plan Final techniccal report Apollo Applications Program Quarterly Status Report Number 1 The Space Shuttle Decision NASA's Search for a Reusable Space Vehicle (Contains great Apollo Applications Program information) Renovated Command Module Laboratory and renovated command module study Final review Apollo Command/Service Module Apollo digital up-data link description Apollo Command and Service Module System Specification /Block 1/ - October 1964 Apollo spacecraft familiarization: NASA support manual - December 1965 NASA support manual: Apollo spacecraft familiarization - December 1966 Project Apollo Spacecraft Description - September 1963 The Apollo Parachute Landing System - September 1968 Apollo master spacecraft specification, October 1963 Apollo Command and Service Module Stabilization and Control System Design Survey - December 1968 Apollo Visibility Handbook - October 1968 Radiative Heating to the Apollo Command Module: Engineering Prediction and Flight Measurement Apollo service propulsion system rocket engine optimized SPS injector development and verification program Operating stability of the Apollo fuel-cell condenser Apollo heat shield phase 1 Apollo Command and Service Module System Specification /Block 1 Preliminary aerodynamic heating analysis for the Apollo command module A Brief Investigation of CSM Rescue of LEM, Project Apollo Extension of Investigation of CSM Rescue of LEM, Project Apollo APOLLO DOCKING TEST DEVICE DESIGN STUDY FINAL REPORT THE EFFECTS OF WIND FORCES ON A THRUSTING LAUNCH VEHICLE AND LAUNCH ESCAPE SYSTEM FOR APOLLO MODE 1 ABORTS APOLLO COMMAND MODULE PILOT AND DROGUE PARACHUTE PYROTECHNIC MORTAR TEST Aerodynamic stability characteristics of the Apollo command module Aerodynamic stability characteristics of the Apollo Launch Escape Vehicle /LEV/ with canard surfaces deployed Aerodynamic stability characteristics of the Apollo launch escape vehicle Plasma Effects on Apollo Re-entry Communication Static Electricity in the Apollo Spacecraft APOLLO COMMAND MODULE LAND-IMPACT TESTS A full-size pilot-controlled docking simulation of the Apollo command and service module with the lunar module Apollo Heat Shield CSM fuel requirements for a LM rescue in lunar orbit, Project Apollo Review of environmental control systems for Apollo Apollo System Engineering Manual. Environmental Control System A transient heat transfer and thermodynamic analysis of the Apollo service module propulsion system Summary report Analysis of crew performance in the Apollo command module, phase II. Volume I Analysis of crew performance in the Apollo command module, phase II. Volume II - Appendix Consumables affecting extended CSM lifetime in lunar orbit Investigation of Prediction Methods for the Loads and Stresses of Apollo Type Spacecraft Parachutes. Volume 1: Loads Apollo spacecraft pyrotechnics Pressurization system for use in the Apollo service propulsion system Interim report Weight, balance and inertia for the Apollo boilerplate configurations Command module heat shield ablator subsystem development plan Estimated weight, balance, inertia and weight distribution for Apollo airframe configurations CSM/LM spacecraft operational data book. Volume 3: Mass properties CSM and LM configuration difference charts Apollo prelaunch cabin atmosphere - A summary of requirements and constraints, options and trade-offs Potential requirements for Apollo crew alternate oxygen system Analysis of the Apollo entry monitor system's delta V counter Apollo Spacecraft Control Systems Dynamic model investigation of water pressures and accelerations encountered during landings of the Apollo spacecraft Qualification evaluation of the tower jettison motor for the Apollo spacecraft program launch escape system Apollo command module mockup flammability tests Qualification evaluation of the pitch control motor for the launch escape system of the Apollo spacecraft program The Apollo command module side access hatch system Apollo RCS engine tests in the AEDC RTF J2A test cell NASA Support Manual - Apollo Description Manual Applicable to Boilerplate 6 Only Water impact studies of model Apollo command module Final report Apollo 6, 7, and 8 blackout test results Crew egress procedures for Apollo block 1 command module at sea Apollo Guidance and Navigation Space Navigation Guidance and Control, Volume 1 Space Navigation Guidance and Control, Volume 2 Study of powered descent trajectories for manned lunar landings, Project Apollo, August 9, 1963 NASA TM X-58040 Apollo Lunar Decent and Ascent Trajectories Apollo CSM and LM onboard navigation system constraints Apollo: Guidance and control system Apollo: Guidance and control system 2 NASA TND 6846 Apollo Experience Report-Mission Planning for Lunar Module Decent and Ascent pages 1-18 NASA TND 6846 Apollo Experience Report-Mission Planning for Lunar Module Decent and Ascent pages 19-42 A LM powered descent strategy Possible Simplification of the Apollo Entry Guidance LM powered descent trajectory for the Apollo lunar landing mission LM Descent Guidance for a Feasibility Study to Simplify Apollo Guidance LM powered ascent trajectory for the Apollo lunar landing mission Project Apollo - A proposed LEM descent trajectory and fuel budget Simplified Software for the Apollo Guidance Computer - CSM Powered Flight Programs Apollo mission techniques. Mission C-prime lunar (alternate 1) translunar midcourse corrections and lunar orbit insertion. Volume 1: Techniques description, revision A Preliminary analysis of LM abort and CSM rescue from 60-n. mi. CSM orbit during the Hohmann descent phase Analysis of current LEM powered-descent trajectories Project Apollo. A preliminary simulation study of the required velocity meter sensitivity and touchdown control performance during lunar landing Apollo guidance and navigation. Volume 2 Primary G and N system lunar orbit operations Description of Apollo Entry Guidance MIT's role in Project Apollo. Volume 3: Computer subsystem MIT's role in Project Apollo. Volume 5: The software effort Apollo Lunar-Descent Guidance Reliability history of the Apollo guidance computer Lunar descent and ascent trajectories Delta V performance of the Apollo LM ascent trajectory Dynamic analysis of the LEM flight control system Apollo guidance and navigation. Guidance and navigation system for lunar excursion module (1962) Preliminary analysis of LM abort and CSM rescue from a 60-n mi. circular orbit following an LM abort from powered descent Manual abort guidance from the midcourse region of a lunar mission A linearized error analysis of onboard primary navigation systems for the Apollo lunar module A simplified guidance scheme for aborting lunar landings Analysis of sextant navigation measurements during lunar module rendezvous A simple abort scheme for lunar landings Revised LM descent and ascent delta V budgets for the lunar landing mission A method for star vector determination from alignment optical telescope sighting Real-time data processing and orbit determination on the Apollo tracking ships Apollo navigation ground and onboard capabilities Summary of Apollo guidance and navigation error analysis Maximum allowable lateral velocity errors during LM powered descent - Program Apollo Apollo Primary Guidance Navigation and Control System, addendum PGNCS Final report Lunar Module Lunar Excursion Module Familiarization Manual - October 1965 Apollo Operatons Handbook Lunar Module (LM 10 and Subsequent) Vol. 1 Subsystems Data Apollo Operatons Handbook Lunar Module (LM 11 and Subsequent) Vol. 2 Operational Procedures Lunar Module - LM10 through LM14 Vehicle Familiarizatin Manual LM Orientation Training Course Lunar Module Orientation Lunar Module 7, 8, and 9 Elementary Functional Diagrams Lunar module 10 Sub Elementary Functional Diagrams Apollo Lunar Excursion Module - August 1962 Manufacturing Plan for Project Apollo: Lunar Excursion Module - May 1963 An investigation of terminal lunar landing with the lunar landing research vehicle Description of an augmented LM and comparison with the AAP shelter/taxi approach PLANNED RENDEZVOUS TECHNIQUE FOLLOWING LM ABORT FROM POWERED DESCENT VISIBILITY IN SPACE - TARGET DESCRIPTION SUBROUTINE Performance analysis of the ascent propulsion system of the Apollo spacecraft Lunar Module Pilot Control Considerations Manned operations for the Apollo lunar module in a simulated space environment LTA-8 AND LTA-9 PRELIMINARY DESIGN SUMMARY REPORT - INTEGRATED SYSTEM DYNAMIC TEST AND EVALUATION VEHICLES Lunar surface mobility systems comparison and evolution /Mobev/, volume II, book 1 - Molem, Mocom, Mocan. Part 1 - Technical report Final report Preliminary LM abort and CSM rescue plan for Apollo mission G. Volume 2: Rendezvous following anytime LM lift-off LEM Landing Gear Lunar Module (LM) soil mechanics study LEM mission simulator film graphics Final report Apollo spacecraft pyrotechnics Lunar Module /LM/ Soil Mechanics Study, Volume 1 Final report, May 1966 - Feb. 1968 CSM/LM spacecraft operational data book. Volume 3: Mass properties Lunar Module/Abort Guidance System /LM/AGS/ design survey. NASA/ERC design criteria program, guidance and control Hazards associated with a LEM abort near the lunar surface LEM Abort Simulation/Abort Simulation 6 Test results for LEM landing gear component development tests CSM and LM configuration difference charts A statistical study of ability of simulated pilots to control the approach and descent of the lunar module to the lunar surface LEM Critical Design Review, MSC and GAEC, 17-27 January 1966, Case 330 LLRV, LLTV Unconventional, Contrary, and Ugly: The Lunar Landing Research Vehicle Lunar Landing Research Vehicle: Estimated Handling Qualities Lunar Landing Research Vehicle: Summary of Estimated Performance Lunar Landing Research Vehicle: Weight and Balance Handbook Lunar Landing Research Vehicle: Structural Analysis Handbook LTA-9 Feasibility Study STUDY OF MODIFICATION OF A LUNAR LANDING RESEARCH VEHICLE TO A LUNAR LANDING TRAINING VEHICLE Design and Operational Characteristics of a Lunar-Landing Research Vehicle Application of LEM technology to NASA lunar landing research program Lunar Rover Lunar Rover Operations Handbook LRV Operations Handbook, Appendix A (Performance Data) LRV Crew Equipment Stowage Methods and Location Mobility Systems Activity for Lunar Rovers at MSFC Lunar surface mobility systems comparison and evolution /Mobev/, volume II. Book 3 - Systems engineering /lunar roving vehicles/ Final report November 1966 Lunar environment - Design criteria models for use in lunar surface mobility studies Use of a battery from the extended lm to power a lunar roving vehicle A study and analysis of the MSFC lunar roving vehicle dust profile test program Mobility Performance of the Lunar Roving Vehicle, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA Technical Report TR R-401 Applying Thermal Control Experiences On Apollo Lunar Rover Project To Rovers For Future Space Exploration Visual Simulation Facility for Evaluation of Lunar Surface Roving Vehicles LRV Lunar Traverse Obstacle Avoidance Study A description of the rover navigation system simulation program A Summary of the LRV Mavigation System LRV Tilt During Negotiation of Steep Slopes LRV Operational Behavior Study Operations and Maintenance Manual for a Scale-Model Lunar Roving Vehicle Performance of Boeing LRV wheels in a lunar soil simulant. Report 1: Effect of wheel design and soil Performance of the Boeing LRV wheels in a lunar soil simulant. Report 2: Effects of speed, Wheel load, and soil Lunar roving vehicle navigation system performance review LM radar Reflectivity Simulation Final Report Ground-Commanded Television Assembly (GCTA) Mobility performance of the lunar roving vehicle: Terrestrial studies: Apollo 15 results Each document is presented in PDF format and is easily accessed from the menu contained on the DVD. Here are the computer requirements to run and operate this DVD. You must have a PC running Windows or a Macintosh running OS X or higher software, a DVD drive and a web browser. Please visit Our About Me Page to Learn More about Us! This product is a DVD. It is region free so it can play on DVD players anywhere in the world. All our DVDs are professionally produced and packaged in DVD cases. This allows you to easily store them with your DVD collection. 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